EFB elects its new Chairman – 2015
On the 16th of November 2015, Alfonso Líbano was elected Chairman of EFB by its General Assembly. Alfonso Líbano comes from a family with a long history in the Family Business since the 19th Century and for the last 60 years, mostly in the Coca-Cola business. Mr. Líbano has been involved with the Family Business Institute […]
EESC publishes report on Family Business
On the 16th of September, the European Economic and Social Committee adopted an own-initiative opinion on ‘Family businesses in Europe as a source of renewed growth and better jobs.’ Much like the European Parliament the previous week, the report by the EESC, is another important milestone for the family business community in Brussels, as the opinion […]
The importance of Family Businesses highlighted by the European Parliament
The importance of Family Businesses highlighted by the European Parliament The report ‘recognises that family businesses are the single biggest source of employment in the private sector and that, therefore, what is beneficial to continuity, renewal and growth in the family business sector is conducive to continuity, renewal and growth in the European economy.’ In […]
Andorran Family Businesses
On the 31st of May, EFB welcomed the association of Andorran Family Businesses into the European network of family enterprises. The Andorran Family Business is a non-lucrative and private association, which represents a very relevant part of the Andorran businesses structure (more than 60%). This association was founded in 2002 and all the economic sectors of […]
EU pushing for more transparency on Beneficial Ownership
On the 5th of July the European Commission released an amending proposal to the 4th Anti Money laundering Directive which included provisions for Member States to create a central business register of beneficial ownership. The new proposal will require Member States to bring forward the date for effective transposition of the Directive by the end of 2016. […]
EU Project on Family Business Statistics – 2016
EFB can finally reveal the countries that will participate in the EU funded programme to gather statistics on family business. Launched in 2015, the European Commission’s call for tender on ‘Statistics for Family Businesses’ is finally under way. Launched in 2015, the European Commission’s call aims, ‘to provide policy-makers and relevant stakeholders for credible, comparable […]
SME Envoy Network
The Network of SME Envoys is currently working on an SME Action Programme which aims to refocus all the underlying challenges and opportunities that are facing Europe’s small and medium sized enterprise. The programme is being split into 5 chapters: Smart regulation, Access to finance, Entrepreneurship, Skills and Training, and Digitalisation. Within these chapters, the […]
European Family Business Barometer – 4th edition
The 2016 edition of the Barometer is nearing release. The online platform closed on the, EFB would like to thank you for your taking the time to answer the questionnaire and we will be releasing the results in September.
Global Tax Monitor
Following on the tails of the first Tax Monitor report, released in April 2014, where tax regimes across 23 European countries were reviewed – The second edition, conducts analysis on a global level with over 40 countries explored (includes Americas, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Oceania).
EFB General Assembly
In May, EFB held its first GA of the year and Alfonso Libano chaired his first assembly as EFB’s President. President Libano reviewed EFB’s activities of the previous 12 months, including national visits to EFB’s chapters and various meetings with high ranking EU officials. Mr Libano explained that EFB was working through the SME network […]