10th Family Business Summit

Between the 3rd and 4th of October 2024, EFB held its 10th Family Business Summit in Rome focusing on the topic of The Power of People. In conjunction with our Italian chapter AIDAF, we were thrilled to welcome over 350 guests to the event. Head over to our summary to find out more. Click here

EFB’s Welcome Reception 2024

We would like to thank the companies of Schwarz Group and the Representation of Baden-Württemberg to the EU in Brussels, for facilitating our welcome reception yesterday, 10th September 2024. This event allowed us to gather Members of the European Parliament (both new and re-elected), Commission representatives and family business owners from various EU countries, sectors […]

9th European Family Businesses Summit

During our 9th European Family Businesses Summit, on the 5th October 2023, EFB discussed  the topic of Overcoming the Barriers to Sustainable Growth.  This online summit brought together family business owners and a policy maker to discuss the challenges that companies are facing with regards to the twin digital and green transitions and the increase in […]

Brussels from the Inside NextGens: Tomorrow’s leaders

2023 was the first year in which EFB held its Next Generation event!  Having been originally scheduled for March 2020 and unable to go ahead due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year on 24 and 25 April 2023, we were able to hold our event!  Under the title Brussels from the inside: NextGens Tomorrow’s Leaders, […]

SME Intergroup Breakfast debate: Business Transfers in Europe: What’s Next?

And in cooperation with the Employers Group of the EESC EFB has been invited to co-host an SME Intergroup breakfast debate by MEP Martina DLABAJOVÁ. The SME intergroup will take place on the 28th of February 2023 at the European Parliament in Brussels from 7:45-9:00am. The topic for discussion is: Business Transfers in Europe: What’s […]

8th EFB Summit – Berlin

On the 13 and 14 June 2022, European Family Businesses held its 8th Summit. This year it took place in Berlin and it was entitled “Europe’s quest: New ways to grow responsibly in turbulent times.” The summit brought together experts from the fields of policy, business and academia to discuss how sustainability and transparency, along with the twin transition toward […]

SPRING – Final dissemination event

Together with its friends from EDHEC Business School, EFB organized the final dissemination event of the SPRING EU-Project on the 3rd of December 2021. Under the event description “Lessons on succession and regeneration of family businesses in Europe for a sustainable growth”, the audience had the chance to participate in a virtual visit and a […]

SUFABU – Final dissemination conference online

For the final SUFABU event EFB managed to invite several high-level speakers and arranged thought provoking panels on “succession in family business” and “transfer of business”. Day one was kicked of by the “father” of the SUFABU project Mr. Jakub Škába who gave the audience a clear overview on the main idea and concept of […]

7th EFB Summit: European Family Businesses Week-2021

European Family Businesses Week-2021 For the first time, EFB’s annual Summit took place online.  Entitled the “European Family Business Week”, the Summit took place between the 25th-28th May 2021. Each day, EFB hosted a discussion, exploring a different topic area with top level policy makers, family business owners and academics to share their expertise with top […]