National Study – Business Dynamism in Spain
BUSINESS DYNAMISM IN SPAIN – A DIAGNOSTIC OF THE SITUATION AND PROPOSALS, published by Instituto de la Empresa Familiar, our Spanish chapter, analyses the business sector in the country, and offers a series of measures that could foster the creation and growth of companies. IEF proposes 60 viable, specific measures, which can be implemented in the short […]
The Family Business in Spain: 2015
The network of Chairs in Family Business and the Study Service of the IEF published a study examining family businesses in Spain, the aim of which is to provide solutions for the problems facing family businesses.
EFB Note on Debt Bias
As a complement to the ‘Debt and Equity’ policy paper, this paper outlines the Institutional literature that has been published regarding the debt bias in taxation.
Family Business in the Netherlands: Characteristics and Success Factors
This study, directed by prof. Dr. Roberto Flören and prof. Dr. Lorraine Uhlaner, presents the results of a large-scale research study exploring characteristics and success factors of Dutch family businesses.