European Family Business Barometer – Successful and Resilient

In the 5th edition of the European Family Business Barometer, European Family Businesses (EFB) and KPMG once again seek to bring an insight into the confidence levels of family businesses, the challenges affecting their everyday operations and the solutions they seek to ensure their development and sustainable growth. This year we see Europe’s family businesses […]
KPMG’s Family Business Tax Monitor

Released on April 6th, 2016, the KPMG’s Family Business Tax Monitor concludes that while tax regimes around the world vary greatly, in general, countries are supporting and encouraging investment and growth in family businesses, with low tax liabilities for the transfer of businesses to the next generation upon retirement or inheritance. Where tax is due, […]
The Effects of Tax Reforms to Address the Debt-Equity Bias on the Cost of Capital and on Effective Tax Rates (29 March 2016)

Corporate income tax systems usually discriminate between the different sources of finance: They favour debt over equity financing since interest costs are deductible for tax purposes whereas there is no equivalent relief for equity-financed investments. This unequal treatment might cause economic problems such as excessive leverage in the corporate sector and an associated increased vulnerability […]
European Family Business Trends: Modern Times?

KPMG publishes a new report based on the research and insights of KPMG’s Global Centre of Excellence for Family Business, as well as using the findings from the European Family Business Barometers conducted through 2013 – 2015 in partnership with EFB, and the study Global Family Business Survey ‘Family matters: financing family business growth through individual investors’, released in […]
The EESC Opinion on Family Business (2015)

On 22 January 2015, the European Economic and Social Committee, acting under Rule 29(2) of its Rules of Procedure, decided to draw up an opinion on Family businesses in Europe as a source of renewed growth and better jobs (own-initiative opinion).
European Family Business Barometer – Determined to succeed

In the 4th edition of the European Family Business Barometer, European Family Businesses (EFB) and KPMG once again seek to bring an insight into the confidence levels of family businesses, the challenges affecting their everyday operations and the solutions they seek to ensure their development and sustainable growth. This year we see the majority of family […]
European Family Business Barometer – A more confident outlook

In this third bi-annual European Family Business Barometer, European Family Businesses (EFB) and KPMG once again seek to bring an insight into the confidence levels of family businesses, the challenges affecting their everyday operations and the solutions they seek to ensure their development and sustainable growth. It is reassuring to see that despite continuing nervousness […]
Debt Bias in Corporate Taxation and the Costs of Banking Crises in the EU (October 2014)

During the period 2008-2012, EU governments incurred substantial costs bailing out banks. As corporate income taxation (CIT) in most countries still favors debt- over equity- financing, reducing or eliminating this debt bias would complement regulatory reforms reducing costs of financial crises. To estimate this effect, we use a two-step approach. First, using panel regressions on […]
European Family Business Barometer – Setting the pace for growth

The latest figures from the Eurozone may be predicting restrictive growth figures but for family businesses the future appears bright. In this latest edition of European Family Business Barometer, European Family Businesses (EFB) and KPMG once again seek to bring an insight into the confidence levels of family businesses and the challenges that they see […]
European Family Businesses Tax Monitor 2014

EFB and KPMG have teamed up to launch the first European Family Business Tax Monitor which compares the tax treatment of inter-generational family business transfers in 23 European countries.